
A busy and exciting weekend of wrestling at the 2023 NCAA Championships brought a close to another college wrestling season. Catch up on all of the action with the ultimate recap from Chain Wrestling Contributor Brogan Louden.

Lucas Byrd on what inspires him to keep going:
"The fans. After I lost my first match at nationals, I was mentally in a bad place before the match, and after that, it just got worse. I wish I could find the guy. I don’t know who he was, but he just kept yelling, "Come back for third, come back for third.” Many people push me, like my girlfriend, my parents and my coaches. But outside of my family, that guy in the stands is someone I wish I could thank. And then, after my DeSanto match, I saw a kid in the stands with his parents, and he gave me a nod, and I gave him a nod back. At that point, I was like “I’m doing it for these guys now.”